Friday, August 25, 2006

the gin in the gin soaked boy...

My wife thinks I my last post was too pseudo intellectual (translated from bengali as best as I could). I just didnt have the heart to tell her that so was my life. I have opinions on everything and am arrogant enough to justify them as well as I can through mostly impeccable logic and some harsh words (I regret them a lot later). Having a hugely successful peer group and a very hard to emulate father does that to you. But all this is not without substance. Beneath is a very strong foundation of self doubt built on a bedrock of emotional confusion.

I think (Actually i know) that my wife can see through every bit of baseless information and convoluted logic that I throw. I think she sees that and sometimes feels angry about it, sometimes pity but mostly a kind of adulation as when you see a child come up with very silly reasons of not doing her homework.

Intellect, not to be confused with intelligence (though its a absic pre requisite) or talent, is a rare herb. Intellect (IMHO) is the ability to say something really clever in a hurry. Its writing a passage with a million meanings and understanding all of them. It is a gift of the gab, the thinking on your feet, the driving home of the point. I, for all my facade, do not have the gift. But as they say "when you dont have it, lie".

So to all and sundry who read my blogs...there is no moral there are no profound truths, and as I recently found out there actually is no such thing as a superioirity complex (go figure...). These are the words of a very ordinary person like all of us are (i am a firm believer that if ther is a single thing that binds all humanity its how ordinary and unremarkable we are individually-what with all the universe being so uncomprehensibly huge and ...uh get the point).
If you want to find something find the heart to write...


Blogger Achtlandia said...

that was nice...i guess ur first post whr u've written smthing u truly feel...straight from d heart...good post...

12:18 PM


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